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More Mystery Holes?

By Genevieve Burgess | News | February 4, 2025 |

Header Image Source: NBC

Paradise on Hulu at 12:01am ET. This is the new mystery hole show I hear? Well, the one for people who aren’t into Silo, my preferred mystery hole show.

Burden of Guilt on Paramount+ at 3:01am ET. Series premiere. I read the premise of this true crime docuseries and was like “that’s weird, this sounds just like an episode of Homicide involving a cold case” and it was, because it seems like it’s the case that inspired that episode. It is a grim one, so be warned. And apparently watching old procedurals is the way to get a jump on the “ripped from the headlines” cases of yesteryear that become the true crime documentaries of today.

St. Denis Medical on NBC at 8:00pm ET.

Doc on Fox at 9:00pm ET.

The Joe Schmo Show on TBS at 9:00pm ET.