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Zack Snyder Is ‘Incredibly Supportive’ of James Gunn’s DCU

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | April 21, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | April 21, 2024 |


With a new Zack Snyder movie unleashed on the populace, that means it’s time for his rabid fans to try and start sh*t with James Gunn for building an all-new DC Universe on top of the ashes of the SnyderVerse. Well, neither dude is having it. Snyder is openly excited to see Gunn’s take on Superman, and Gunn wants everyone to know that the two text each other all the time. (Deadline)

Is it too early to declare a Josh Hartnettaissance? (Lainey Gossip)

Scientists are finally starting to study menstruation, so that’s nice. (Wonkette)

From Hannah: If your weekend needs another tortured poet story — this one is a treat! (Twitter)

Lol, they’ve got Melania selling sh*t now. (Daily Beast)

Christina Hendricks married some dude over the weekend, which was very confusing because I completely missed that she divorced the Snozzberries guy from Super Troopers. When did that happen? (Page Six)

From Seth: Take a moment to watch Ally McCoist’s reaction to Hells Bells being played in the Allianz. (TikTok)

Kit Harrington is ready for his dirtbag era. (Deadline)

Fallout 4 is the best-selling game in Europe right now. (Kotaku)

From Chris: Maybe like the Nic Cage Wicker Man, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li is also at its best when consumed as an out-of-context super-cut. (YouTube)

So that Cybertruck recall actually happened, and not only is it an actual physical recall, but it revealed that Tesla has sold less than 4,000 of them. Even the goddamn DeLorean sold more than that. (The Verge)

Cannonball Read (a 501(c)(3) non-profit) made its first donation of the year to the American Cancer Society, bringing their lifetime donations to over $12,400. Thanks to everyone who has supported their primary mission: sticking it to cancer, one book at a time. Your donation is 100% tax deductible and 100% appreciated. (Cannonball Read 16)