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Tracy Morgan Jokes He 'Out-Ate' Ozempic And Gained 40 Pounds

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | March 21, 2024 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | March 21, 2024 |


Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy, blah blah blah. Celebrities are still obsessed with taking weight-loss drugs originally meant for diabetes. And so are the rest of us plebs; research suggests 30% of Americans will be on weight loss medication by 2030.

The other night, Oprah shared her own experience with the drugs in an ABC special called “Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution.” She said the drugs changed her life and helped her understand that obesity is a disease rather than a choice. Oprah also realized that she’d been thinking about food differently than other people: “You weren’t thinking about the food! You weren’t obsessing about it!”

Oprah’s not the only famous type who’s admitted to using the drug. A bunch of Real Housewives, Amy Schumer, Sharon Osbourne, Boy George, Remi Bader, and Chelsea Handler have all fessed up to taking the meds. Obviously, there are many more (thin is in), but they ain’t talkin’.

There’s also Tracy Morgan, who actually has diabetes. He was diagnosed in 1996, but didn’t take the disease seriously at first. Then, while filming the first season of 30 Rock in 2006, he got “really sick.” After the doctor told him he might lose his foot, Tracy changed his tune: “Now I take my insulin every day. My blood sugar doesn’t get over 120.” In 2010, the comedian had to get a kidney transplant because of his diabetes and struggles with alcohol.

Last August, 55-year-old Tracy went on Today with Hoda and Jenna and was chatting about how he’d been going to the gym every day. Hoda Kotb mentioned how good he looked, and said, “You’ve been working on your body and your health.” Tracy quickly responded, “No, that’s Ozempic. That’s how this weight got lost. I went and got a prescription and I got Ozempic.” He added that the drug cut his appetite in half: “Now I only eat half a bag of Doritos.”

Fast forward to this past Tuesday. Tracy was a guest on The Tonight Show and Jimmy Fallon complimented his body: “You look good, bud. You look great. How you staying in shape these days?” Tracy replied:

“Well, that’s Ozempic. But I learned to… I out-ate Ozempic. I gained forty pounds.”

Jimmy replied he’d never heard “of anyone gaining 40,” and Tracy quipped, “I’m like Magic Johnson. I gained 40 pounds.” It’s unclear whether or not Tracy’s comment was a joke. Did he really manage to gain weight on Ozempic? Or did he re-gain what he lost going off the drug? Or was there any gain at all? You never know with Tracy.

Here’s the clip:

On Oprah’s special, a weight-loss specialist and paid pharmaceutical company consultant called the drugs’ side effects “over-hyped.” The doctor also acknowledged that people will likely have to take the meds their whole lives to maintain their weight loss. Hmmmm. I haven’t watched the show, but I wonder if they mentioned any of the gastrointestinal injuries some users have suffered.