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Drew Carey Has NSFW Reaction After He Talks To God While Seeing Phish At The Sphere

By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | April 24, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | Celebrity | April 24, 2024 |


Drew Carey has earned a lot of goodwill. Last year, he purchased food for scores of striking writers. It’s the second time he’s done such. While appearing at the WGA awards, Carey stated that it was the right thing to do and claimed he did not deserve credit. The man is a mensch. He’s done enough for people that he should be allowed to go to a Phish show and claim afterward that he felt what it must feel like to climax as a woman.

The Sphere in Las Vegas was finished in 2023. The domed venue works as a big screen on which videos can be projected. Ads for films, congratulations to the World Series Champion Texas Rangers, and giant eyeballs have been projected on the Sphere. Inside, U2 performed the inaugural concerts at the venue. A film called Postcard from Earth was made by Darren Aronofsky specifically for the Sphere. The place has been active.

Currently, Phish is performing at the Sphere. Their concerts include a psychedelic light show projected above them on the Sphere. The band, which is famously 4/20 friendly, recently had Drew Carey as an audience member. Drew loved the show. Like… really loved the show. Like, he went on Twitter and claimed he had a religious experience at the show.

Carey shared a video of the concert on his Twitter. It showed a giant, portal-like image being projected on the screen above him while Phish rocked out in the background. It looks rad. I was skeptical about the Sphere when it was announced, but it does look pretty cool. To Carey, it looked more than cool. It made him feel like he talked to God. In a follow-up post, he goes a lot further.

“I swear I just talked to God,” the comedian Tweeted. “Bro I met God tonight for real. I feel like I just got saved by Jesus no lie,” he continued. Now, that is the tip of the iceberg. Drew also says some things that are not safe for work. I don’t want us to get throttled by the search engines, so I won’t quote Carey too precisely. You can read his Tweets below. What I will say is that it’s a pretty good advertisement for the venue.