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Bob Iger Calls Martin Scorsese's Marvel Comments 'Nasty' Because No One Can Criticize Disney, Apparently

By Mae Abdulbaki | Celebrity | December 14, 2019 |

By Mae Abdulbaki | Celebrity | December 14, 2019 |


The film industry, like everything else in the world, is dependent on power. Whoever wields more of it wins. Every comment is analyzed, every opinion making headlines to the point of being ridiculous. This, of course, is regarding the whole Scorsese/Marvel shenanigans, which is ongoing. Here at Pajiba, Martin Scorsese’s comments about Marvel have been well-documented (we’ve covered everything from Robert Downey Jr.’s response to James Gunn and Joss Whedon chiming in).

Disney CEO Bob Iger was recently asked about the whole Martin Scorsese/Marvel debacle and he told Time that the director’s comments were “nasty” and “not fair to the people making the movies,” which is hilarious. To think any piece of art is exempt from criticism or “not fair” (and the comments weren’t even cruel to be honest, and I say that as a fan of Disney/Marvel), is simply untrue.

“If Marty Scorsese wants to be in the business of taking artistic risk, all power to him,” Iger said. “It doesn’t mean that what we’re doing isn’t art.”

No, it doesn’t. But remember that thing about Hollywood and power? Martin Scorsese basically hurt everyone at Disney’s feelings and they can’t take the criticism, treating his comments like it affected their wallets. Bob Iger is powerful enough to have his people call Scorsese’s people to arrange a meeting. That’s pretty scary. On top of that Marvel’s created a hive mind mentality. Offer any critique and you will be dragged forever.

The acclaimed director’s quotes were the point of such contention that he even wrote an op-ed for the New York Times clarifying what he meant, but still managed to call Disney out for having no “revelation, mystery or genuine emotional danger.” And that’s fine because that’s been working for them for many, many years, especially under Iger’s direction. But it’s unfair to collectively shut Scorsese up the way everyone’s been doing. As for that meeting that Iger suggested? Run, Marty, run far away.

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